We are hosting a PCT day for provisionally certified mathematics teachers in the Greater Wellington Region!
This day will be held on Friday 11 November, 2022. The venue is Victoria University, room TTRLT1. A map of the venue and parking information will be provided closer to the time.
The PD will have four presenters, speaking on various topics. Please see the session details below for more information.
Please fill out the form using this link to show your expression of interest in attending this event.
Program for the day
8.30am: Registration
9.00am: Keynote speaker
10.30am: Morning tea*
11.00am: Session 1
12.30pm: Lunch*
1:15pm: Session 2
2.30pm: Session 3
3.30pm: closing karakia
*Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
Sessions overview
Keynote speaker: Dr Gaven J. Martin: What needs to change in the NZ Mathematics Education System – Highlights from the RSNZ report.
Abstract: I will discuss the key messages from the RSNZ report on the teaching of mathematics in New Zealand. Since publication a large part of this report has become policy but new issues have arisen after Covid and perhaps larger challenges lurk.
Bio: Dr Gaven John Martin is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Massey University, the head of the New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, Director of the NZ Mathematics Research Institute and a former president of the New Zealand Mathematical Society (from 2005 to 2007), former editor-in-chief of the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics. He was Vice-President of the Royal Society of New Zealand [Mathematical, Physical Sciences Engineering and Technology] Fellow of : Royal Society of New Zealand, The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, and the American and New Zealand Mathematical Societies.
Session 1: Claire O’Fee Title: Titiro whakamuri, kia haere whakamua - Looking back in order to move forward
Abstract: An interactive session where you will be presented with opportunities to understand our history more deeply - with a big picture view as well as in the education sphere - which will support you to understand "the why". This kōrero will challenge you to look at your own practice and the way in which we enact the articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in Aotearoa, New Zealand classrooms.
Bio: Claire is of Ngāpuhi decent and works in the Te Akatea Māori Leadership Programmes - Emerging Māori Leaders and Māori First Time Principals. Both programmes are founded on He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tīreni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi - the two constitutional covenants of Aotearoa. Accordingly, the programmes centre the visions and aspirations of mana whenua, hapū and iwi. With a secondary teaching background, Claire has had a variety of roles in the classroom, as a Dean, a subject area leader and a Deputy Principal. She then moved into a PLD facilitation role with Poutama Pounamu at the University of Waikato before beginning with Te Akatea this year. Equity and success for Māori, as Māori have always been foci for Claire and she first came across research in this area as part of the Te Kotahitanga Programme in 2008. For Claire, understanding how we came to be where we are as a society is essential in order to transform classrooms, schools and communities.
Session 2: Dr David Pomeroy: Ending Streaming by 2030: what do I need to know?
Abstract: On 5th October 2022, PPTA Te Wehengarua passed a policy to end streaming in Aotearoa secondary schools by 2030. The PPTA aren’t the first to publicly oppose streaming: NZEI Te Riu Roa, the Minster of Education, Ministry of Education, Iwi Chairs Forum, Tokona te Raki, Royal Society Te Apārangi expert panel on mathematics education and others have already spoken out against grouping students be perceived ability. So what does this mean for Provisionally Certified Teachers in mathematics? The first part of this presentation will look at the key claims that the PPTA policy makes about streamed and non-streamed classes, and examine research evidence about these claims. The second part of the presentation will discuss how a range of secondary schools are approaching de-streaming mathematics.
Bio: Pāngarau Unleashed team: Pāngarau Unleashed is a collective of teachers and researchers exploring effective de-streaming transitions in secondary mathematics. The main partners are: University of Canterbury, Horowhenua College, Mana College, Onslow College, Christchurch Girls’ High School, Te Pa o Rākaihautū, Tokona te Raki, and the Ministry of Education. At this presentation, Pāngarau Unleashed will be represented by Dr David Pomeroy, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education at the University of Canterbury.
Session 3: Restorative practice in classrooms
Abstract: Restorative practices help teachers develop positive learning relationships with young people in our classrooms. This interactive session will help beginning teachers gain confidence in having those mini conversations essential in de-escalating situations that lead to future strife and disengagement.