Culturally Responsive Strategies PLD

The Wellington Mathematics Association is hosting PLD from Dr Robin Averill, exploring strategies for teaching mathematics and statistics in ways that are culturally responsive and sustaining.

This PD will take place Wednesday 28th August, 2024, from 2:30pm to 4.00pm. The venue is Porirua College, Kenepuru House. You can find a map here

Please fill out the form using this link to show your expression of interest in attending this event, by the 20th of August

In this interactive session we will share, explore, discuss and integrate into lesson design a range of strategies for enhancing focus on culturally responsive and sustaining practice when teaching mathematics and statistics. As we will link to Tataiako and Tapasa, refamiliarising yourself with these documents prior to our session will be useful. 

There will be nibbles and tea provided from 2:00 pm to 2.30 pm. The PLD session will be 1.5 hours, from 2.30 to 4.00 pm. 

About Robin: Dr Robin Averill is an Adjunct Professor in Te Whānau o Ako Pai and Honorary Research Associate Wellington Faculty of Education, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. With an extensive background in primary and secondary school mathematics education teaching and research, Robin has taught in mathematics initial teacher education and at Master’s level, and now carries out education consultancy work and thesis supervision. Robin is passionate about all learners being able to enjoy and have strong mathematics learning success through consistently experiencing rich, positive and successful mathematics learning experiences. Robin has been an active presenter of talks and workshops at many regional and national mathematics teacher conferences, demonstrating ways of teaching consistent with this philosophy. Robin has published extensively on teaching and learning culturally sustaining for ākonga Māori and Pacific heritage learners, evidence-based primary and secondary school mathematics teaching, numerous research-based journal articles and book chapters, and many mathematics teaching resource books.